Emotional Cartography - Edited by Christian Nold

Emotional Cartography - Technologies of the Self

Edited by Christian Nold, 2009

Emotional Cartography is a collection of essays from artists, designers, psychogeographers,
cultural researchers, futurologists and neuroscientists, brought together by Christian Nold, to
explore the political, social and cultural implications of visualising intimate biometric data and
emotional experiences using technology.

Essays by Raqs Media Collective, Marcel van de Drift, Dr Stephen Boyd Davis, Rob van
Kranenburg, Sophie Hope and Dr Tom Stafford

A5 Offset Litho - 96 pages - Full Colour
ISBN 978-0-9557623-1-4

Download the full and complete book:

Full Quality PDF (44 meg)

Screen Quality PDF (2 meg)

Published under a Creative Commons,
Attribution, NonCommercial, ShareAlike Licence

FRIDAY 24TH APRIL 2009 6:30 PM

at Space Studios

Join us for drinks and discussion at the book launch, which will include talks by the editor
Christian Nold as well as Dr Tom Stafford and Sophie Hope. A number of free copies of
the book will be available on the evening.

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